Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Back to WWII Weekend 2019

2019 WWII Weekend at the Mid Atlantic Air Museum in Reading Pa was a huge success for the AAFCG. For the first time we had a complete camp with an officer's tent, a modified tent fly and best of all a magnificent Jeep courtesy of our motor pool sergeant Tim Shanteler.

The weekend featured the best weather we have ever experienced, an exciting collection of warbirds and lots of fun. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

WWII Weekend 2018

2018 WWII Weekend in Reading, PA was a huge success. We all had lots of fun and our display was bigger and better than last year.

The 496th Air Service Squadron Headquarters (AAFCG)

 We had a great selection of WWII aircraft parts. Tim restored two 55 gallon drums to use for work tables and brought his 1945 Ben Hur trailer (in the background behind Don's head).

We had some new electronic units including two frequency testers.

John and Tim busy at work.

Here's Ed riding Don's Compax bicycle and Atena on her "Victory Gal".

Here's the group L-R Atena de Jong, Don Reed, Ed de Jong, John Rupple, and Tim Shanteler with 
very special old friends Paula Sheehan and Jim Vocell.

Here's Don proudly wearing his WWII repro overcoat standing next
to our new sign.

The officer's desk and Tim's new (old) typewriter.

Don with some local visitors.

Ed and Atena out for a stroll around the base.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017


This was an amazing year for the AAFCG. We have finally established a real identity and an actual fixed base operation consisting of a tent fly, pup tent and a great assortment of WWII engine parts and components. The group now identifies itself as the 496 Air Service Squadron attached to the 15th AAF based in Torretto, Italy in 1944.

L-R Ed de Jong, Atena de Jong, Don Reed, John Rupple and Tim Shanteler
Work detail with Captain Atena De Jong in charge.
 The group has expanded to five active members. Don Reed CO, Tim Shanteler, Staff Sergeant, John Rupple, Captain, Ed de Jong, Major, and Atena de Jong Captain. Don, now living in Ohio, flew to Manchester, NH to rendezvous with Tim and John for the trip down to Reading, PA while Ed and Atena drove up from Miami, FL. From Thursday to Saturday the weather was great. On Sunday the clouds came in and light rain began to fall.

The airshow was terrific with the star of the show being a freshly restored P-63 King Cobra which flew together with the FM-2 Wildcat on Friday making an exciting opening for the weekend.

John, Tim and Ed

Tim soaking up the WWII atmosphere.

John and Tim

The Work Crew
Don, John and Tim

Sarge inspecting Atena's
beautifully restored WWII era bicycle
"Victory Girl"

Don and a couple of  the dolls visiting the airfield.

The officer's desk with lots of WWII items.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

2016 Events

For 2016 Army Air Force Composite Group has introduced a new WWII impression. One of our members' dad was in a Mediterranean Theater of Operations 15th AAF Air Service Squadron. We have adopted this impression going forward. We are looking forward to the 2017 WWII Weekend in Reading, Pa. Where we will for the first time have our own camp complete with tents, furniture and a jeep.

Please enjoy some photos taken this past year including our first event as the 496th Service Squadron.

Our new tent fly.
Don Reed, John Rupple and Tim Shanteler
Loading the Ben Hur for the Battle for the Airfield

Our little camp with the pup tent.

Collings Foundation Battle for the Airfield 2016

Tim Shanteler "Sargent" and Don Reed "Colonel"

John Rupple "Captain"

Saturday, June 13, 2015

AAFCG at MAAM WWII Weekend 2015

The men of 404 AAFCG "Miller's Marauders" hit the road down to Reading, PA for WWII Weekend. This year joined by new recruit John Forney. The weather was the best ever with temps in the 70's and low 80's and no rain to speak of.

L-R John Rupple, Tim Shanteler, Don Reed, Steve Miller and John Forney.

John R. Tim and Don hanging out by Steve's jeep.

John R. and Tim plane spotting.

Don enjoyed riding his WWII bike around the airfield.

Steve, John,Don and Tim under the wing of the American
Air Power Museum's C-47.

Don and a Tuskegee Airmen Re-enactor by the C-47

Convoy Into Reading on Friday

The long line of military vehicles rolling into Reading.

After arriving downtown we all stopped and walked around for about 45 minutes.
All great fun with the B-29 flying over head.

Don at the hangar dance with 101 Airborne re-enactor
Mark and his wife.

John R., Tim, Jim Vocell and Don under the wing of the C-47

John Forney relaxing under the wing of the C-47

Beautiful polished P-51 D

1st Infantry Division Re-enactors

Miller's Marauders 

Ready for 2016

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

AAFCG at Collings Foundation’s Battle for the Airfield

AAFCG member and events coordinator Don Reed (as AAF Colonel) is seen here 
with eighty second airborne re-enacators at the annual Battle for the Airfield in Stow, MA. 
The October 11-12 event featured scores of US, UK, Soviet and German re-enactors. 
On hand were many WWII vehicles including tanks, halftracks, jeeps, troop transports 
both allied and axis. 

One of the interesting displays on the field was this full size V-1 rocket reproduction.

It was a fine day with lots of smoke and noise.