In April the boys of the AAFCG traveled to the American Airpower Museum on Long Island and the next day visited the Intrepid Air Museum and the Empire State Building. The following day on the way home the gang stopped into the Military Museum of Southern New Engand before heading home.
Day 1:
The American Air Power Museum is located at Republic Field in Farmingdale Long Island and occupies one of the old Republic Aircraft hangars next to the runway. Jim Vocell, who was one of the Atlantic Warbirds pilots/owners in the 90's treated the guys to an exclusive tour of the Museum. For more information about this fine air museum vist:
Pictured at dinner after visiting the American Air Power Museum
are, clockwise from bottom left:
Tim Shanteler, John Rupple, Steve Miller, Dan Demeo, Jim Vocell and Don Reed.
Dan is is a fine pilot with lots of hours in the F4U Corsair as well as many other famous warbirds.
Jim...well let's just say he flies just about anything that has any kind of wings. In the words of
Gordon Cooper from the Right Stuff...."Who's the best pilot you've ever seen???...You're looking at him".
Day 2:
After driving from Farmingdale to Hell's Kitchen in New York City everyone was getting hungry for breakfast and we were lucky to find POM POM'S DINER. Wow, great coffee and super food.
Breakfast at Pom Pom's Diner L-R Tim Shanteler, Steve Miller, Don Reed and John Rupple "Miller's Marauders" |
The Intrepid Air Museum was very interesting and inspiring. Launched in 1943, the aircraft carrier USS Intrepid fought in World War II, surviving five kamikaze attacks and one torpedo strike. The ship later served in the Cold War and Vietnam. Intrepid also served as a NASA recovery vessel in the 1960s. Intrepid was decommissioned in 1974. Today,Intrepid is berthed on the Hudson River as the centerpiece of the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum. For more info:
As a side trip the group visit the Empire State Building where we went all the way to the 101st floor. What a view!
Day 3:
Last but not least we stopped into the Military Museum of Southern New England to see lots of tanks and other military displays. For more info
Lots of fun was had by all!